This Code of Practice represents a binding commitment on the part of each Contracting company member of ESA to the highest standard of quality, integrity, safety and reliability consistent with the aims of the Association.
Each Contractor Member shall observe and comply with the following requirement in its work, provided that the customer for whom the contract is being undertaken is operating and interpreting that contract in a fair and reasonable way.
1. Standard of Workmanship
The ESA Contractor Company shall observe a good standard of workmanship, and any goods or materials used shall be of a quality and standard suitable for their purpose. Workmanship, goods and materials shall comply with the requirements of the contract and shall be to the reasonable satisfaction of the Client for whom the work is performed.
The ESA Contractor shall consistently check its own work and remedy defects in that work ensuring that the completed work is of a good standard.
2. Quality Assurance
The ESA Contractor shall, wherever practicable, adhere to a recognised third party Quality Assurance Scheme in respect of its site work and such Quality Assurance scheme shall be approved by ESA Council.
3. Training
The ESA Contractor shall demonstrate a positive commitment to training and shall take active steps to ensure that operatives, supervisors, office staff and managers receive proper and continuing training in all relevant aspects of their work which affect the standard and safety of the work.
4. Safety
The ESA Contractor shall demonstrate a positive commitment to safety, by taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of their work and to protect their employees and other who may be affected by their work from hazards which may arise out of such work. A copy of the Company’s Safety Policy will be available on request.
5. Employment
The ESA Contracting Company shall take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the welfare and stability of employment of its employees, and shall fulfil its legal and other duties as an employer. The company shall not discriminate unlawfully or improperly in respect of employment.
6. Subcontracting
Where the ESA Contracting Company sub-lets any part of its work it shall ensure that the Subcontractor is a competent and bona fide firm with appropriate insurance cover, and that the Subcontractor complies with this Code of Practice. The ESA Contractor shall act with fairness and integrity in its dealings with its Subcontractors.
7. Business Integrity
The ESA Contractor shall observe a high standard of business integrity in its business dealings, with Clients of Main Contractor and or with its own suppliers of Sub Contractors